WHAT DOES A 5 STAR FOOD HYGIENE RATING SAY ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? Thursday, January 18, 2018 WHAT DOES A 5 STAR FOOD HYGIENE RATING SAY ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? If you have achieved your 5 star food hygiene rating, we congratulate you and your team. You can be proud of your achievement and now that you have gained the top score of 5 stars, you need to make sure you hone in on the accolade. Read more
Wednesday, January 3, 2018 BOOTHS RECALLS FREE RANGE EGG MAYONNAISE SANDWICH BECAUSE OF UNDECLARED EGG AND MUSTARD Booths is recalling its Free Range Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich because it contains egg and mustard which are not mentioned on the label. This means the product is a possible health risk for anyone with an allergy or intolerance to egg, and/or an allergy to mustard. Read more
PREPARING YOUR TEAM FOR 5 FOOD HYGIENE STARS Friday, December 22, 2017 PREPARING YOUR TEAM FOR 5 FOOD HYGIENE STARS Running a hospitality business in a stressful and busy environment is a very tough job at the best of times. Additional stress levels can be avoided by putting the right building blocks in at foundation level. Health and safety and food safety hygiene should be regarded as just as important as the invoice or credit control department; in other words, a concise plan to methodically and regularly review actions and tasks throughout the business. Read more
FOOD HYGIENE STAR RATING EXPLAINED Friday, December 22, 2017 FOOD HYGIENE STAR RATING EXPLAINED Anybody who loves eating out, has probably seen or is aware of the 5 star food hygiene rating sign at entrance doors of hotels, restaurants, cafés, pubs, takeaways, or any other eateries. Read more
Friday, November 24, 2017 ADULT MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID (MHFA) For most of us adults, going to work is something we do on a daily basis without much difficulties. For some it's an exciting, pleasurable time and place, where you spend 9 hours of your day with colleagues, friends and interesting people, for others though, it's just a means to an end. Read more