HRS Management provides a comprehensive service to all companies who do not have their own health and safety person, or if they do, need the advice and expertise of a consultant. When conducting a risk assessment, not industry specific, one needs to identify possible hazards within the workplace. Once identified, staff, managers/directors and business owners need to be made aware of what the consequences result in, if no action is taken and what the risk level of these consequences would be. Who would likely to suffer any injuries or what damage would there be to the business if no risk controls are put in place? In order to make sure business owners provide a safe working environment, all identified shortcomings must be reported and rectified within a given time and maybe budgets need to be set aside for further action required in order to reduce the risk as far as reasonably possible. The main aim for a risk assessment is to first and foremost eliminate a risk.
During and after a walkabout we will discuss our findings with you; liaise with your competent employees to write specif workplace risk assessments; train employees to risk assess and will regularly monitor and review assessments to keep you and your workplace safe from harm.
We will enable you to risk assess your business with confidence.
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