Monday, March 23, 2015 SYMPTOMS OF HEAT EXHAUSTION In order to avoid any near misses and accidents through the relentless heat, we must be extra vigilant and spot staff with early warning signs of heat exhaustion. The symptoms of heat exhaustion can develop rapidly. They include: very hot skin that feels ‘flushed’ heavy sweating dizziness extreme tiredness (fatigue) feeling sick (nausea) being sick (vomiting) a rapid heartbeat mental confusion and less trips to the loo than normal (discoloured urine) A person with heat exhaustion should be moved quickly to somewhere cool and given fluids (preferably water) to drink They should then begin to feel better within half an hour However, people with kidney, heart or circulation problems and people with diabetes who use insulin are more at risk of developing heatstroke or suffering complications from dehydration, and should be taken to hospital Prevention by: Provision of extra water coolers within the workplace Keep factory and warehouse doors open where possible to allow airflow Introduce extra breaks for staff who work in hot conditions i.e. welding, powder coating etc. or rotate jobs more frequently Previous Article HSE'S MYTH BUSTER CHALLENGE PANEL - LESS SIGNS ARE MORE AND COMMONS SENSE SHOULD PREVAIL! Next Article THE BASIC HEALTH AND SAFETY MISTAKES CRIPPLING BRITISH INDUSTRY Print 1164 Rate this article: No rating